Meet Per Hallberg - Sales Manager Sweden

Per started at Cetetherm for three years ago as a Sales Engineer and has now taken the next step in the company.

Since October 1, he leads the sales team in Sweden as Sales Manager.

Cetetherm has been a market leader in sustainable, energy-efficient and high-tech solutions for district heating and cooling for almost 70 years and since 2018 is a part of NIBE Group.

- As we now are a part of the NIBE Group, we have had a bit of a new start as a brand and company. Being part of a new and straightforward company in an established package has its advantages”, says Per. In my new role, my main goal is to give the sales team the tools they need to achieve their goals. I also look forward to an even closer collaboration with the product managers to develop products and solutions that are in demand by today´s and tomorrow´s customers.

When Per isn´t coaching his sales team or is out helping the customers with their projects, he is coaching his daughters football team with 30 girls in the age of 9-10. Besides football, Per highly values spending time and having dinner with family and friends.

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