Cetetherm Pipe Sizing tool

Cetetherm now offers a pipe sizing tool

How to make life easier for our business partners selling Cetetherm Heat Interface Units?
Cetetherm is offering now a Pipe Sizing tool for their HIU projects!

We are happy to announce that this box is now ticked off thanks to our brand new online tool “Cetetherm Pipe Sizing, powered by Hysopt’.
Hysopt is our software partner - a spin-off from the University of Antwerp (Belgium) - who develops engineering software to optimise HVAC installation performance levels on a large scale.

The Cetetherm Pipe Sizing tool is a user-friendly and powerful software which:
- avoids oversizing of each single pipework in the building
- calculates the exact return temperature and flow rate
- calculates the diversity for domestic hot water and central heating

Both Cetetherm and Hysopt stress out the importance of calculating the return temperatures and flow rates to the finest detail.
Curious what to expect?

Read our latest article: Pdf, 5.9 MB.

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