Integrated solutions


Cetetherm equipment combined with Heat pumps

Cetetherm expertise in international district heating markets is now combined with the latest technologies in Heat pumps and digitalisation.
The low return temperature substations from Cetetherm provide additional sub-cooling, resulting in a significant increase of the COP of the Heat pump.

Cetetherm has several reference installations in different countries combining:
· Heat pumps with Cetetherm substations and district heating
· Heat pumps with Cetetherm Heat Interface Units and district heating
· Heat pumps with Cetetherm Heat Interface Units
· Heat pumps with Cetetherm Tap Water Systems

In each configuration the base load from the heat pumps is stocked in Primary tanks. The intelligent control of the Cetetherm equipment act as a pilot, automatically deciding which source will be prioritized at any point in time, ensuring the best indoor comfort with lowest energy cost and CO2 emission.

Watch the movie to discover these interesting product combinations.

For more information contact your local Cetetherm sales.

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