Gold sponsor at DHC+ Summer School

Cetetherm proudly sponsor Swedish summer school

DHC+ Summer School is a yearly event organized by Euroheat & Power, offering an unique opportunity to district heating students and young employees to assist to lecturers and practical applications from different players in the district heating and cooling sector.

It’s an international event which takes place every year in a different European country and this year it was held in Karlshamn (Sweden) where Cetetherm was the Gold sponsor.

This 9th edition has been an intensive week for these young talents listening and meeting up with district heating key actors, like manufacturers, energy and utility companies, universities and research institutes, policy making agencies…

During this week two virtual study visits has been presented by:

  1. A paper production plant who gives access heat to the district heating network
  2. Cetetherm showing a virtual visit of Cetetherms production facilities in Ronneby and Abri Fastigheter where the smart and connected substation Cetetherm Optimizer is installed.

It has been a great mix of technical knowledge with excellent opportunities for these young and international talents to expand their network.

These uprising district heating stars will be the decision makers of tomorrow!

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