Cetetherm and NIBE in collaboration - For sustainable heating solutions of the future

In autumn 2021, a newly built day care centre was ready in Kemi in Finland, a day care home where hundreds of children will spend their days, now and in the future.
The day care centre is the largest public log building in the Nordics, where sustainability, enivonment and technology meet. The building material is logs and modern technology is found in architectural design, sound control of different spaces and in building plumbing solutions. Even the heating of the building and domestic hot water is based on modern technology and digitization, which is provided by a Cetetherm-NIBE solution.

A Cetetherm Hybrid Substation working together with NIBE heat pumps as a heat distribution center.
A installation with the heat pumps' circulation pumps, accumulator tank and control equipment as well as electrical installation, connected to the app myUPlink.